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Monday, June 9, 2008

Obama's bounce

Obama is sure to get a bounce from all of the positive press he has received this past weekend. However as with any candidate who changes positions on issues as quickly as he gets word of what is most popular. Obama will suffer when issues come to light. Americans do not want a president who will threaten their rights to own guns. Americans do not want a president who supports any and every kind of abortion. Americans do not want a President who will drag down a slow economy with even more taxes. Americans do not want a President who insists on the same cowboy diplomacy as the present administration. Obama says he will bomb terror targets in Pakistan with or without the government of Pakistan's approval.

He will take that awful risk, but yet wants to pull out of Iraq despite its drastic improvements. Obama will say any and everything to get elected. It shows his inexperience when he is steadfast to a position such as having open meetings with terror sponsors, but when push comes to shove and he finds out how ridiculous his position really is, he reverts to the same plans George W Bush has had. I feel very confident when this election heads to the fall voters will move further and further from this Barack Obama character.

I am glad Barack got a bounce in the polls I think it shows the excitement Americans feel about the progress we have made in race relations, but I think every American wants to elect the best candidate for president not based on the color of his skin, but on his merits for the the job. Soon we will see only one candidate has the proper experience and vision to lead our country.

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