Friday, June 13, 2008
Pressure is mounting a Senator Barack Obama
Dear Mr. Plouffe,
Thank you for responding to our proposal. Just to reiterate, we have proposed at least ten joint town hall meetings once a week until the week before the Democratic Convention begins. As we understand your counter-proposal, you have proposed only one town hall meeting before the Democratic Convention.
In keeping with our original proposal, we are planning a joint town hall meeting in Minnesota next Thursday evening (June 19, 2008). We will hold time on our schedule for joint town halls every Thursday night until the Democratic convention. I hope Senator Obama would reconsider his position and agree to join Senator McCain as early as next week.
We have also today accepted the invitation from Mrs. Ronald Reagan, Lynda Johnson Robb and Luci Baines Johnson to attend town hall meetings in July at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. As Mrs. Johnson said, these town halls will truly be an opportunity to "deliberate the great issues of our time." Their sponsorship certainly meets our standards for a positive and productive opportunity for voters to interact with the candidates. I hope you will agree.
However, at this moment, we fear that our negotiations over joint town hall meetings are turning into a debate about process. That is exactly what we have always hoped to avoid, and why we proposed a town hall format that would render many of these process issues moot. As Senator Obama has said, he is prepared to meet "anywhere, anytime" for a town hall.
We remain committed to this idea because joint town hall meetings offer the best format for presenting both candidates' visions for our country's future in a substantive way. We have a chance to change the way presidential elections are run and elevate the political dialogue. Americans deserve this kind of opportunity, and we hope that Senator Obama will join us at town hall meetings throughout the summer months.
Rick Davis
Trouble in paradise?
Obama needs to call for the resignation of these two Sentors, Dodd and Conrad.
polling data
John McCain sits in as a good a position as possible for being behind. I say this not out of some delusions that a victory will be easy, but these are the key numbers.
McCain has 76% support from Conservatives.... this is a good thing... these voters should jump on board even though they may not agree with McCain on every issue.
secondly and this is where I see the most chance for gain. Obama leads by 28 among moderates. Come one I think those are the voters who were most caught up in Obama's hype.
ever so often panic comes over me and I think tell the 10's of people across the world
I better register to vote
heard b'rak talking
I 'bout started walking
to a far off land of low taxation,
but i realized there is no nation
for which to go!!! so I better VOTE!!